Sober up and great hangover cure?!

Question: Sober up and great hangover cure!?
I'm pretty sure I'm still slightly drunk which isn't good as I'm at work, I'm giggling like a loon and typing this is a chore, I was at a work networking event last night with a open bar which turned into a all night party, I haven't got to sleep which is problematic I'm drinking the worlds supply of water, but is there any other recomendations as to what I can do to sober up/ kill the hangover!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm sorry!.!.!.but I can't stop giggling at this!. I even read ur question twice b/c u worded it so funny!. LOL!. I def also was tipping the bottle a lil too hard last night & today is ROUGH!. If ur a smoker, stay away from the cigs!. Try taking a multi-vitamin!. (i'm sure at least ONE chick in the office has to have em at work!.) Keep drinkin that water & just try to eat something that won't mess up ur stomach too badly!. Fast food ALWAYS works for me, although it slams me into a MAJOR food coma!. Just eat, eat, eat & pray for the end of the day!. I'll be praying with ya!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

sorry buddy but your **** out of luck as far as sobering up goes!. By now you have already digested most of the alcohol in your stomach and your just going to have to wait it out, you might want to give your liver some time off as it is working overtime right now!. As far as the hangover is concerned you need water, a little bit of sugar, and lots of vitamin B12 if you can get it!. As the primary causes of a hangover are dehydration, glucose deficiency, vascular inflammation, and B12 deficiency!.

Do not take Ibuprofen even though it is an anti-inflammatory because it will mess with your stomach and cause ulcers!. So you need an anti-inflammatory that doesn't unfortunately these are limited to chili peppers, ginger, and (note I am not advocating smoking) nicotine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eat lots of bread, and drink soda!. I know if you drink a can or two of soda before leaving a party all drunk you don't wake up with a hangover!. Try it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know of much that can really sober you up, but you're on the right track with drinking lots of water as it will help stave off a hangover!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I've only ever been drunk once in my life but my friends say that a big "fry up" or "full english" whatever you call it is quite goodWww@FoodAQ@Com

A sure fire thing ( bottle orange lucozade and a jar of mussels)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

tHROW UP!Www@FoodAQ@Com

can of slim fastWww@FoodAQ@Com

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