Why is Miller Highlife so inexpensive, yet marketed as the "Champagne of Beer"?!

Question: Why is Miller Highlife so inexpensive, yet marketed as the "Champagne of Beer"!?
AleSmith is correct in that it is an old marketing campaign!.
The original slogan was "The Champagne of Bottled Beers," because of the sleek long-neck bottle (clear glass, mind you) that showcased steady streams of carbonation bubbles rising to the top!.
I was also said to made from the highest-quality ingredients!.!.!. quite a relative term during the heyday of industrialized American brewing!.!.!.

Poster below - That Fred Miller Anniversary brew was simply High Life without the corn adjuncts!. Sorry to burst your bubble!.
I wish you were buying it in my area, cuz it seemed like I picked up more out-of-date than what I sold when it came out!
By the way, Miller is owned by a South African company (South African Breweries - SABMiller is the name), not a British company!.!.!. just FYI!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When it came out in the 1950's, it was a great pilsner, with a taste palatable to American drinkers!. Champagne of Beers was a marketing line and also a trademark!.

What previously cost more, now that Miller Brewing is owned as part of a British company, and other Miller beers are the highlights or preferred product, Miller still sells a lot of Highlife, that still rides on it past reputation as a good palatable beer in high favor with many consumers!.

Personally, I prefer it over most other Miller products!. Another one they brewed was Meister Brau, that came in cans!. It was cheap, and good, and propelled more than one rock hanger doing piecework!.

A couple of years ago, around the time of the buyout, Miller offered a commemorative brew, Recipe #0150, that I consider to be one of the best lagers Miller ever brewed and sold!. After celebrating their 150th anniversary as a brewer, Miller quit making it!. I think I bought like 120 cases (of 24 bottles)!. I only had just so much room in the garage at the time!. I have about 2 cases left!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well it's a really old marketing campaign and beers change over time!. Most beers that predate prohibition are a pallid ghost of their former selves so it's entirely possible that there was a time when it was a decent beer!. I'm guessing the classic recipe didn't stick while the slogan did!. Wikipedia claims it's due to high levels of carbonation which may have been true at one point in time but I don't find High Life to be particularly high in carbonation, at least so much so that it's like "damn that is one carbonated beer!"!.

Tim does bring up a good point, beer marketing is pretty stupid in general!. "Taste the cold" comes to mind, where I'm from we call that numbness which last I checked isn't a flavor!.

And the person with the dumbest least logical answer thumbs down everybody, Yahoo Answers is always good for a giggle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because it is a marketing tool, Keystone light is marketed as "always smooth," even though it is literally the cheapest beer you can find!. I actually don't mind high life but can't stand miller light!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I live in Milwaukee and Miller is our beer and I can tell you that we can't afford real champagne so we made a beer that's like champagne, but cheaper!. It's for us poor people!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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