Why Do Some Beers Give Me A Really Bad Hangover...?!

Question: Why Do Some Beers Give Me A Really Bad Hangover!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.while others don't!? For instance, I can drink Budweiser all night and feel fine the next day, but Carlsberg really makes me feel terrible!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There isn't a whole lot of difference between the two and a lot of factors play in to hangovers!. In some very rare cases people can have a mild allergy to hops but both the beers you mentioned are nearly devoid of the level of hops required to set off a reaction and you'd be able to distinguish between that and a hangover in various ways!. My guess is that your circumstances roughly around the time of the hangover were different!. Getting hangovers isn't strictly limited to what you eat and drink on the given day of the event but rather a combination of factors which can precede the incident by days ranging from medication taken, the weather, the environments you were in, your mental perception of the situation, the company you had, and any number of other things!.

Long story short, two comparatively similar beers such as Budweiser and Carlsberg (original not Elephant right!.!.!.) should have the same impact on getting a hangover when drank under the same conditions!.

Tannins have nothing to do with it, especially considering by your logic they contain the same amount!. Excess tannins in beer are a product of bad brewing practices as they primarliy come from the grain husks and are only released from hot or overly alkaline mashing!. For as much as I don't like Budweiser or Carlsberg they have their brewing down to a science, literally!. Their quality control wouldn't let an overly astringent batch out the door!. The color comes from the char put to the grains during the malting process, tannic browing in neglible at best!. Nice try though!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

apartently its to do with how much youve slept , eaten , stress , how much fluid is in your system , mixing drinks etc!.!.!.
im the same thow , fine on spirits , rough as hell on lager!.!.{ so a dear night out considering i only drink doubles} which dont last as long as a pint!.!.
my friend said to eat lasagne before you go out and it soaks the alcohol up !.!.!.not tried it yet!.!.!.but i do try and drink pints of water before i go bed!.!.!.!.thats if i dont collapse!.!.and i find i dont have headache as much the next day after 2 pints of water!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it has to do with the tannins and different types of which that are found in different kinds of alcohol!. tannins are what make beer literally more or less dark!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try drinking German Beers,they dont cause a hangover

i should know i live in Germany and drink enough of the stuffWww@FoodAQ@Com

Some beers are stronger than the other |!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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