Christians, Wine Question, Thank you?!

Question: Christians, Wine Question, Thank you!?
1!. When Jesus drank Wine, did it have Alcohol in it, or was it just "juice"!?

I actually remember reading some article or something that said that it did have alcohol!.!.!.

2!. If it did,,, is it ok to drink it, as long as u don't get drunk!?

Thank you for taking your time in answering my question!.!.!. God Bless!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. Yes it did
2!. Yes it is!. It is generally accepted by most churches that one is allowed to drink as long as they do not drink "to excess"Www@FoodAQ@Com

while i do not know for certain, i do believe the wine that Jesus drank had alcohol in it!.

i have prayed for God to convict my heart if drinking alcohol was "against the rules" and i have never felt that conviction!. my belief is that drinking alcohol is only a sin when drank in excess!. God does say not to become drunk!. No where does it say do not drink alcohol!. so i will have a glass of wine or a beer now and then, i just do not do it in excess nor do i become drunk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jesus drank wine, and it was the kind with alcohol in it!. There is nothing sinful about drinking an alcholic beverage!. However, the arguement could be made that alcohol ruins the body, thus you are sinning by not treating your body like a temple!. If that is the case, then ingesting any food with fat or sugar would be sinful as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jesus did drink alcohol, as did all his disciples!. In fact he deliberately got his disciples drunk in the garden of Gethsemane so that they would not interfere with the guards that came to get him!. To quote Jesus " Woe be it to he who arises early to follow strong drink!." It is not a sin to drink, but it is a sin to be a drunkardWww@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know if the wine Jesus drank was alcoholic or not, but the important part was that it was not drunk to excess!.

Though I, personally, chose not to drink (for other reasons), I do not think having a drink or two once in a while is in violation to the scriptures!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have heard that in those days the wine was actually better than the water ( i guess it was purified-or something) I think that if it is sin to you then don't do it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

my belief is that yes,,,it was wine with alcohol in it!.!.!.and do believe it says in the bible that to do things like drink is ok!.!.!.to do it in excess is notWww@FoodAQ@Com

1!. i dont know!

2!. i guess it would be okay!.!.!.catholics drink wine for communion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes as long as the drinking doesn't cause you to sin you should be fine!. I don't recall the commandment "thou shalt not drink"Www@FoodAQ@Com

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