What hard alcahol should i buy?!

Question: What hard alcahol should i buy!?
So, ive just turn 19, and ive only drinken vodka, and just recently vodka vanilla twist!. I've had captain mo's and jack daniels, but disliked them both!. Any ideas of a hard alcahol i should try!? and what it tastes like!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try Malibu, it's a coconut rum you can have with pineapple juice or coke!.
Or Midori, it's melon tasting and you can have it with juice or lemonade!
Or Jagermeister - it's only really good with Red Bull!.
Sambucca is another good one to try (it's licorice tasting, but STRONG!)!.

PS!. I don't know how drinking is "disobeying the law"!. Where I am, the legal drinking age is 18!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well i would be careful stating ur age online with something illegal

Everclear is super powerful and dangerous but its the strongest alcohol on the market

Everclear is a brand of grain alcohol (ethanol), available at concentrations of 95% alcohol (190 proof) and 75!.5% (151 proof)!.[1] By contrast, hard liquors such as rum and vodka generally contain 40% alcohol (80 proof)!. Everclear is manufactured by Luxco (formerly the David Sherman Company)!.[2]
Since 95!.6% ethanol and 4!.4% water form an azeotrope (meaning that simple distillation cannot remove any of the remaining water), 191-proof spirits are the maximum proof that is available from the distilled beverage industry!.
It is illegal to sell the 190 proof version in certain states in the U!.S!., including Ohio, California, Minnesota,[3] Pennsylvania, Maine, Michigan, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Hawaii, New York, Massachusetts and Florida!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

since you already disobeyed the law, and put you and other in danger, i'd say go for the Jin maybe with a little tonic!. scotch is good too!.

dont drink and drive ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com

You mate, should not drink alcohol at all!. With literacy skills like that, you need to keep all the brain cells you have!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try some Scotch!. Has a very different flavour than Bourbon!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Fruity rum!. The flavors that are coming out now days, are AWSOME!Www@FoodAQ@Com

that's it
pick one but I suppose you currently are the latterWww@FoodAQ@Com

Try reading a book!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you just gotta find the right thing to mix it with!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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