What would you think if...(girls only)?!

Question: What would you think if!.!.!.(girls only)!?
you saw a picture of your self with friend and you're both wearing different colored (blue and purple) smudged lipstick at a party!.!.!.!.and you weren't wearing it when you left the house, and you don't own any lipstick in that color

and you were extremely drunk!

i just found a picture of me like that and i reallly don't want it to be what i think it is!Www@FoodAQ@Com

when you drink you tend to foget alot lol!. maybe someone had it and you two decided to try it on!. could be many different things!. nobody ya'll were with will tell ya!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Who cares, if you're not a super model, or famous movie/tv star, and these pictures aren't in tabloids, than, well, it's just worth a thousands words, but not much else!. If nothing happened that night, who cares, no one will remember in a month or so, and if they do, well, they have no life!. Even famous tabloid people with crazy pictures aren't remembered for those pictures the next week or month when new ones come out!. I'd say relax, drink a beer or mixed drink, and remember, people that believe what they see and read in pictures/tabloids are retards!.

Edit: People who judge others, only do so because they've done worse themselves (hint hint, the slut dykes above me that commented)!.

Edit2: Sorry, I just realized this said girls only, but I'll have you know, girls are more catty and hateful than most guys!. Which is why the 3 girls before me were all pretty bitchy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

sorry but i think you made out with a couple of girls, now all you can do is learn from that mistake and control your drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'd think that i had been making out with some girls with bad lip stick taste hahahah
i wouldn't care too much, though
you're drunk, whatever, you make mistakes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it is wat u think it is!.u were stupid and drunk and had no clue wat u were doing and u know the rest lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The Word Rainbow Seems Too Pop Into My Head!.!. Haha 'Head'

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