I'm a waitress - should I?!

Question: I'm a waitress - should I!?
If you were out to eat and you had an alcoholic drink, under $5 - do you expect to be asked if you want another, or would you be happier if the waitress just brought another round!?

I usually ask my customers if they want another!. My friend, who is a bartender, just grabs them another and sets it in front of them!. If anyone says, "Hey, I didn't order that!" He says, "Oh, sorry - thought you did! I'll take it back if you want" BUT the customer NEVER sends it back - so my bartender friend makes extra $ - sneaky!
Should I try it!? I can always take something back and take it off their bill!. My boss will probably be irritated, but he won't notice a couple "mistakes"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would rather be askedWww@FoodAQ@Com

This seems to be a vicious exploitation of customers, not to mention possible alcoholics who trade at your restaurant!.
This type of "leech" behavior, though, will harm you most in the long run---you'll get in the habit of cheating people (perhaps because you, yourself, feel cheated!?)

It might be typical of a bartender to trade on and profit from people's weaknesses, but is that the level of ethics you want to imitate!?
Bad Karma!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I personally would be offended if you just brought another round of drinks unless you were asked to keep them coming!.

Sometimes, I want to change what I am drinking!. A pushy server or bartender gets less of a tip from me than a courteous and fun one does!.

Good luck and use your good judgement, Jackie bWww@FoodAQ@Com

The only way that I would do that is if I knew the customer and knew that they usually order a second round!. Otherwise, it's a little rude to bring someone a second round if they did not order it!. They may get insulted!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

go for it!.!.!.most people dont really complain about that because theyll fell like they are too cheap!.!.!.belive me people dont wanna look like that in front of friends!.!.
i mean u could always take it back if they dont want it!.!.!.and would be making extra money!.!.!.i bet ur boss would really appresiate that on the long run!.!.!.
good luck!.!.!.!.lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

I think you have the answer to your question!. Those that wouldn't like it would make it uncomfortable for you!.

Personally, I would keep the drink and deduct it from your tip!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would rather not have to flag down my waitress for another drink!. I say take another one to the table!. After you drop off 2 or 3 then ask if they want another!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

personally i wouldnt like that
its presumptious and intrusive
and 1 more is enough to put someone over the driving limit
i would give an attentive waitress a bigger tip than an intrusive one
keep going as you areWww@FoodAQ@Com

I like that!. It wouldn't hurt, but I'd ask after the second drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it wouldn't hurt, but some people might see it as coming off a bit rude or bad service!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well try but then i gonna have to say yesWww@FoodAQ@Com

You always ASK!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Absolutely not, you are putting the customer in an akward position where they may be being forced to accept a drink they don't want or need or they look like an *** sending back a drink they didn't order in the first place!. It's very presumptuous on your part and I would be angry if a round of drinks was on my bill (whether it was voided/cancelled or not) that I had not ordered!.

If something shows up at my table that I didn't specifically request it better be free!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, you shouldn't!. Unless it is a regular who often or always orders the same thing time after time and multiples thoughout the night your friend is being rude!.


Doesn't matter how much or of what type!.!.!. and for the record there is as much alcohol in a serving of Grey Goose (1!.5oz) as there is in a serving of regular beer (12oz)!. What is rude is that your friend is quilting people into ordering another drink!. Forcing them to spend money that they may or may not have wanted to spend!. What if they would have wanted something different!? I myself rarely order the same thing twice, but if a waitress brought me another I would feel FORCED to take it!.

What isn't rude is being attentive to your customers needs!. Having dated several waitresses in my life and served at a bar!.!.!. The best thing you can do for your customers is be conscience of there needs!. Ask if they would like another when their glass is low and not empty!. Try not to make them wait to long for you to come to their table!. And always deliver it with a smile! There is nothing worse than a waitress/waiter/bartender with a nasty disposition!. Ruins my night!. If you hate people that much why would you want to work with them!?

All that aside you already said, "My boss will probably be irritated" above!. Alcohol isn't cheap!. It is also one of the biggest profit margins your restaurant has!. If you are dumping out drinks you are wasting money!. If you are wasting money, it is the equivalent of stealing in the eyes of most businesses!.

Personally, I haven't done it and I never would!. What I did do was bust my## to make sure I waited on every customer at the bar as quickly and genuinely as possible!. Because of it I made good money!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would cut your tip in half for that!. If I want another I will let you know but don't make the decision for me!. Do you know if I will be driving!? Do you know if I stopped for drinks before I stopped for dinner and don't really need this extra drink you are just going to bring me!? All in all I just wouldn't do it unless the customer has told you this!. If I know that I will be having a few drinks I will tell my waiter/waitress to keep them coming and I will let them know when I have had enough!. I also tip better for the best service!. also if you end up with to many drinks being returned then you are wasting your employers money on booze that will then be thrown out because you didn't ask the simple question "Would you like another!?"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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