How can I stop myself from being such a lightweight when it comes to drinking?!

Question: How can I stop myself from being such a lightweight when it comes to drinking!?
Im 5ft and im 17 and I can drink 1 pint of cider and get tipsy or drink a bottle of small lambrini and get DRUNK!. As I drink to get drunk i guess its a good think as I get drunk faster and its cheaper, but I get drunk before everyone!

Please dont answer this if your just gonna have a go!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ha Ha a short @rse like me - and it is true that smaller people get drunk quicker - small as in weight as well not just height!. The trick is to line your stomach before you go out - a bowl of mashed potato works best for me - but even a large glass of milk and a couple of slices of bread will work!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The more water you have in your system, the longer it takes for you to get drunk!. If you eat allot of starches like bread, potatoes, or pasta they will "soak up" some of the alcohol!. The combination of lots of water and lots of starches will help you in your quest of enjoying the entire night rather than just the first hour!. So, if you're planning on drinking next friday eat a pizza for lunch and have pasta and garlic bread for dinner, all while drinking as much water as possible!. Good luck and happy drinking, CHEERS!Www@FoodAQ@Com

why don't you try cider/lager of a low alcoholic strength with lemonade!. That way you lengthen the evening drinking and it'll dilute it too so no headache, hopefully!. Avoid alcohol with a high alcoholic content would be a very good idea!. And drink halves!. You could also have a lemonade or whatever in between alcoholic drinks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

lol, you need to eat something when you drink thats the secret, bread is good as it soaks up the drink so its slower getting into your system!.!.!.!.
before i go out i always have afew rounds of toast, i know its not very kool but it works a treat now i am a 7 pinta man (impressive for me!)Www@FoodAQ@Com

drink ALOT everytime you drink, eventually you will build up ur staminia!. Dont worry about the throwing up part because it'll pay off after a whileWww@FoodAQ@Com

drink it slowly!. eg, mix your cider with blackcurrant or something to make it last longer!. Thats the only way i can think of!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If your drinking to get drunk then watch out its a slippery slope and one I fell off when I was doing just that xWww@FoodAQ@Com

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