Are Connecticut Liquor stores open on Memorial Day?? What about Mass or Rhode Island?? I need BEER people!!!?!

Question: Are Connecticut Liquor stores open on Memorial Day!?!? What about Mass or Rhode Island!?!? I need BEER people!!!!?
Although half of you think this is some kind of Liberal LaLa Land, we have some of THE most puritan laws regarding !.!.!. alcohol for one!.!.!.!.

1!. No you can't buy beer in CT on Sunday!. Period!. "blue laws" were enacted way back in the 1880's because it was of Religion!. " Day of rest "and all that bull!.

2!. You can't buy booze after 9PM *it was 8pm until very recently* And trust me, if you showed up at 8:58=you are out of luck!.

So the theory goes you will get drunk only between 9a-12a and Sundays!. Every other day is the free for all!.

3!. I very highly doubt packies ( you call them liquor stores, how dull) are open here today, on Memorial Day in CT!. I believe XMAS, MD, 4th JULY and LD and all cloed!.

4!. In CT booze is not sold in Wal Mart, KMart, your local Mobil Station, or any other store as such!. Only BEER is ever sold in the grocery store!. See number 3 if you want anything else!. Or move to California!.

NOW go out and have fun!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Connecticut state law prohibits the sale of alcohol on holidays so the chances are good that you won't be able to get it in state!. If you feel inclined to take an hour plus drive, however, you could probably go to New Hampshire!. I'm pretty certain that the restrictions on alcohol sales on Sundays and holidays are non-existant!.

Good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com

Please, you are talking about the North East! I am sure that all of the liquor stores will be open! If not, go knock on Ted Kennedy's door, he should be able to float you a beer loan! Just don't bring up that whole Mary Jo Kopechne thing and you will be fine!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No such luck!.!.!.I just tried to go get a bottle of wine for a housewarming and figured because it's Monday, it wouldn't be a problem! Boy, was I wrong! I miss New York where you could get beer at the 7-11 24/7!Www@FoodAQ@Com

why didnt you buy your liquor today!? surely theyre open on sundays!? also try 24 walmarts, smaller grocery stores will probably have some alcohol!. convenience stores if youre That desperateWww@FoodAQ@Com

All those Packies should be open!.!.!.!.geeze, you sound desperate!. Good luck and Happy Memorial Day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not likely!. Maybe in New York!?

For all of you people not from CT!.!.!.you cant buy alcohol on sundays in this state!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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