How do i minimize the risk of getting sick off alcohol?!

Question: How do i minimize the risk of getting sick off alcohol!?
am 16 and i am going to italy in a 3 weeks!. i recently found out the legal drinking age in italy is 16!. so i can drink, yes!.

i don't get sick off two or three beers(bottled), only off like 4 or more cans!. in england thats is 500ml cans of 5% beer!.

Here is my question is there a short fire way of minimizing the likelyhood of getting sick after a night out!. i don't want drink thay much just enough to get me slightly dizzy,

so does anyone have any ideas!. eating somethink or taking my time!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Always eat first!. Not eating will make you more likely to get sick, worsen any hangover, and increase your vulnerability to danger!. Alcohol turns into sugar when metabolized and the crash that follows drinking can be lessened by giving your body other healthy sources of energy to metabolize!. Besides, the food in Italy begs to be eaten!.

Take your time and don't forget your limits!. Drinking is not a race!. The responsible use of alcohol is characterized by a heightened perception of enjoyment and a loosening of excessive personal inhibitions!. It is not about proving how much you can drink compared to the next person, nor it about keeping up with how much you feel you should be able to drink!. If you start to get dizzy, take a break, because alcohol will continue to be absorbed into your system for hours after you take a break; many people who get sick will do so a while after they have stopped drinking

Stay safe!. Stay with people you know, especially in unfamiliar surroundings!. Bad things happen to good people all the time and there are very bad people in the world who look for easy marks!. A person who does not have full awareness and motor coordination becomes a tasty target for those who would like to rob, kidnap, rape, murder, or whatever!. A young person who lacks an adult's physical size and life experience is increasingly vulnerable!.

You don't want to become an alcoholic!. Alcoholics are miserable!. Learning responsible drinking decisions should start early and this is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn about the world, don't waste it by being a lush!. Have a fantastic trip, you should enjoy it!. Remember, there are plenty of things to look forward to in Italy other than booze!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't drink on an empty stomach!. Eat something during drinking and don't mix and match (wine, beer, liquor,etc)! And stop when you get tipsy, the hangover you get from being drunk sucks!

also: Don't drink too much! Alcohol poisoning can be fatal!
and don't drive nor ride a bike/moped!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eat something starchy and drink in moderation!. You don't have to get tipsy in the first 10 minutes, take your time and spread it out so your body has time to process it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

One thing that really helps is to alternate a glass of water for each drink!. It keeps you hydrated and will slow your intake of alcohol enough to give your body a chance to deal with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pacing yourself and eating something will both help!.

Just don't drink too much too fast and you should be fine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

eat a good meal first and don't mix drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

eat somethin it will help
if you drink a lot you probly will get sick, thats somethin u cant controlWww@FoodAQ@Com

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