How much wine do you have to drink to become drunk?!

Question: How much wine do you have to drink to become drunk!?
i drank like half of a cup and the taste was like disgustingly strong, but i was just wondering how much it takes to get you drunk

this was my first time drinking itWww@FoodAQ@Com

A few weeks ago, at a dinner party I had about 1/2 a bottle's worth of wine!. Was way buzzed, even starting to get drunk!. I was so relaxed though

So I'm guessing 1/2 a bottle (4-5 glasses) for you gets you drunk, and a 1/4 bottle gets you buzzed (2 glasses)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

some people get tipsy off one cup!. if it's your first time, then you will feel it quicker!.

if you really are pregnant you shouldn't be drinking, my friend had a baby with alcohol fetal syndrome, it's very difficult knowing it was her fault, he baby can never be normal!.

i am also confused how you mentioned in another question that you're "under developed for your age", if you're pregnant i highly doubt you're underdeveloped!.

but other wise i guess congrats!. i got pregnant at 14, but i lost the baby!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, that depends on your size and the percentage of alcohol in your wine!. Typically, good wine is about 12% and let's say you weigh 150 lbs: I would say about two glasses to get a buzz, three to get tipsy, and five to get really drunk!. A bottle, and you'll probably throw up!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It all depends on your tolerance to alcohol, but generally 3drinks of wine will give a buzz to anyone!. It takes a bottle to get me there!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

aren't you pregnant!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

it depends more on your weight- a couple of drinks at 100 pounds and you are already at the legal limit!. Be careful!Www@FoodAQ@Com

ok ur 14 and pregnant either you just want attention or ur just an idiot!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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