Does Korean Soju taste like Vodka?!

Question: Does Korean Soju taste like Vodka!?
I've heard it does & I've drank Vodka before!.
I'm not a big fan of Vodka, mainly because it doesn't taste too good!.
Is Soju like that as well!?
Thanks for answers!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Soju tastes nothing like vodka!. Like previous poster said, vodka has very little actual flavor!. Soju, on the other hand, can range from clean, but still pretty floral to very earthy!. It's used in cocktails typically in restaurants that can only get beer and wine licenses (soju lower alcohol percentage has it classified as a wine)!. This coupled with the relatively low price makes it attractive to many restaurants!.

Soju on its own can be a real revelation, but it bears little real resemblance to vodka!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good vodka doesn't have a taste really!. Soju is very mild (like good vodka) but it's kinda like vodka meets sake!.!.!.I like it personally!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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