Do you think my bottle of Dom Perignon has gone bad, it's 1992?!

Question: Do you think my bottle of Dom Perignon has gone bad, it's 1992!?

You've broken all the wine storage rules but sometimes you just get lucky!. Rather than moving it down to your cellar and storing on it's side at 55, I would just pop the cork over the next few weekends!. (and buy a $20 backup bottle to drown your sorrows if the Dom is bad)Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on how you stored it!. If you kept the bottle upright, the cork is dried out and the champagne is gross!.

If in doubt, open the bottle and taste it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No i think that it would be fine!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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