Is drinking alcohol in certain places still illegal even if it's not obvious at all?!

Question: Is drinking alcohol in certain places still illegal even if it's not obvious at all!?
I've seen signs in train stations and places that say that drinking alcoholic beverages in public even in a paper bag is still illegal!. which i find funny considering newsstands and places sell beer but thats besides the point!.!.!.

What if you had the beverage out of a different bottle like a gatorade bottle and it was disguised or even flavored differently to cover it up, would the cops have to smell or even drink it then if they had a suspicion!? Do they have that right!? on what judgement can they decide if its an true alcoholic beverage or not!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, it's still illegal!.

They need to have a reason to inspect you, but they can easily make that up!. If they smell it, then that is reason enough!. If you trip, that's reason enough, too!. I do it all the time!. I pour vodka into a bottle of Sprite!. I've never been caught, but I know I am taking a big risk!. Be careful!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes--public parks, for example!. If you want to drink, put it into a different container and don't get too rowdy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


if ur drinking it where u cannot, itz illegal!.!.!.nd they can probably test or something, but i dunno!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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