To ask for a drink or not...?!

Question: To ask for a drink or not!.!.!.!?
I am going to be 21 next monday!. my parents are taking my fiance and i out for dinner for this occasion on saturday or sunday!.!.!. I really want to order an alcoholic beverage!. if I order one and my b-day is a day or 2 away!. will they say no!?!? i'd hate to be embarassed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just tell your parents or your fiance to mention to the server when they first come up to the table that you are out to celebrate your 21st birthday!. I'm a server and a bartender and I know that if I had a table and the person was with their parents, I would just assume that they truly were 21 already!. If your server is completely anal, they may id you- if so and you don't want to get embarrassed just start to look for your id and act like you forgot it at home!. I'm sure though, since you are going to be with your parents it won't be a problem!. Happy Birthday!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You will not be able to drink the alcoholic drink, that is if they card you!. As far as they know, you could be set up as a sting and waiting to see if anyone will serve you an alcoholic drink!. Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to serve someone underage, with the possibility of getting in trouble with the law for contributing to a minor on your record as well as the fines and court fees and embarrassment!? I wouldn't!. We have all been there before, you will turn 21 soon enough and then the years start flying by!.
You can always have everyone else order their alcohol first then see if you can slip your order in and maybe not get carded!. Just be prepared to maybe not to get one!.
By the way, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ask your Mom!. You will most likely get carded!. If your Mom doesn't mind the next question you need to ask yourself is are you up for the embarrassment of being carded and turned down!? If so go for it!. I don't think it is wrong for you to have a drink and they might not even card you!. If you are almost twenty-one weigh the pros and cons and make your decision!. Good luck and Happy Birthday!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you look of age they may not even ask you for your ID!.!.!.!. However, if they do, slim chance!.!. Any GOOD bartender won't because that's a standard tactic for underage drinking stings by police!. A lot of places won't even sell you alcohol until the day AFTER your birthday!.

But, it's always worth a shot! Just don't base your whole night around drinking, just in case it doesn't work out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes you will have to wait however, if you go to a bar after 12:00 am on the day you were born you can be served because it is considered the next day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you have a good waiter/waitress, they will card you!. You will have to wait until 21 like the rest of us!. It sux, but deal with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you're with your parents!.!.!. go for it! I would serve underage people if they are with their parents!.!.!. but then I was cool like that :P If they say no, they are just mean and mean people suck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sensible advice and you obviously realise that!Www@FoodAQ@Com

unless you look about 35, they'll card you!. Then they'll turn you down!. sorry ) :Www@FoodAQ@Com

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