Alcoholic drink questions?!

Question: Alcoholic drink questions!?
Alcoholics unite!.!.and educate me!.
1!. if a martini is dry!.!.what the hell does that mean!?
2!. and what about dirty!?
3!. I like whiskey and tequila, but vodka thoroughly disgusts me (i blame this on my cousin who buys cheap vodka, mixes it half and half with various assortments of other beverages, and forces me to drink it) but I can handle cosmopolitans and such!. What mixed drink is for me!? (bonus points to the most sophisticated sounding one)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dry = the amount of vermouth used!. Dirty is olive juice in the martini!. Sophisticated drink - most martinis are good, they are made with flavored vodka!. Or just try a nice Chardonnay!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. It's to do with dry vermouth!.
2!. Dirty is when olive juice is added
3!. I love the Mai-Tai!. You can use different rums and it lasts a long time unless you drink fast!.

I am not big on the martini thing!.!.!. but if you like whiskey then I think you should have a whiskey sour!. I love it!.

Here is a good website you can go to!.!.!. recipies for mixed drinks and drinking games!.!.!. plus lots of other really fun stuff!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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