When does wine get too old to drink?!

Question: When does wine get too old to drink!?
I know wine takes years to ferment, but I also know from a little biology experiment that it will eventually turn to vinegar!. That probably has to do with oxygen getting to it but if wine stays in a bottle for say!.!.!. 100 years would it still be safe/enjoyable to drink!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

"100 years would it still be safe/enjoyable to drink"

Yes!. It may not be enjoyable however!. It is a gamble aging wine and beer!. Sometimes you are rewarded with something wonderful!. Other times you get vinegar or sludge that isn't fit for human consumption!. It won't make you sick!.!.!. There isn't anything in wine or beer even after they've gone off that can make you ill!.!.!. It just may not taste good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Wine can last for a long, long, long time!. Often, the older the better, if a decent vintage!.

The problem is if it is stored incorrectly - mainly exposed to heat - then it will turn to vinegar!. This can happen with 2 year old wine as easily as 200 year old wine!.

Properly stored wine should be good far beyond your lifetime!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

if stored properly a bottle of wine will last about 50 years, then the cork will start to wear away and may affect the taste, but the cork can be replacedWww@FoodAQ@Com

Supermarket wine will last only a couple of years max before it starts to really deteriorate, only certain wines with high tannin levels are suitable to store for a long time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on the wine and how it's kept!.

One good thing about wine that's gone-over!.
It is great for cooking and marinating!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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