Is it healthier to drink beer or spirits?!

Question: Is it healthier to drink beer or spirits!?
Actually I cdont enjoy drinking beers anymore, it makes me fel sleepy for some reasons, but am fine with spirits!
Is there anythings I need to know about spirits, before I start buying botles of them!?

I am very careful with my health and dont want to put a belly or anything!?

If I need profesional advice, apart from my doctor who can I ask!?

Do you know anything!? tell me please what you think!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Overconsumption of any alcohol is bad for you!. All alcohol contains calories!. Spirits might have less calories, but when you start mixing them with juice, soda, etc, the calorie content skyrockets!.

Alcohol in moderation can actually have some benefits!. Drinking good beer (not mass produced, pale watery beer) has many health benefits when consumed in moderation (recommended 1-2 for women, 2-3 for men per day)!.

Alcohol in moderation reduces stress and promotes sleep!.

It also improves good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers the risk of stroke & cardiac disease!.

Dark malts in some beer are high in antioxidants!. The antioxidants in beer are smaller molecules which are even easier absorbed by the body than those in red wine!.

Beer contains vitamin b, proteins & minerals!.

Hops in beer promote mental awareness and fight cancer & viruses!.

Alcohol in excess will make you gain a belly!. The key is eating healthy, getting exercise and drinking in moderation!.


All of it is basically poison that dehydrates you and makes the liver work harder!. I can't see that one type is better that the other!. Just drinking less of the stuff would be better!.

You could find a drug and alcohol worker if you need advice on it!. If it's the social thing that you enjoy maybe you could work on confidence building so that you don't need as much alcohol to enjoy yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Beer has more nutrient value!.
Spirits are more concentrated alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Moderation is the key to everything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

go to the "ice-house" as we call it in Texas, (liquor store), & try something mild at 1st!. Your whole world is open to ya!. I like champagne, bubbles tickle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

wela pint of beer has 185 calories a single spirit has 50 but if u have full coke it 200 u av diet coke it 55 so i guess spirits but they go down faster an cost moreWww@FoodAQ@Com

ya i think spirits are good but beer is bad!!(i think is healthier)
hope i helpWww@FoodAQ@Com

how do they get the spirits in there!.!.!.!.!.hehe get itWww@FoodAQ@Com

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