Question for people in Scotland (especially in Glasgow and Edinburgh)...?!

Question: Question for people in Scotland (especially in Glasgow and Edinburgh)!.!.!.!?
How come Peckham's can sell alcohol to take away until midnight while no one else can!?

Is it just a special deli licence that other delis don't use because they don't stay open late!?

I've heard it's to do with having restaurants, but not all branches have restaurants!. Besides, restaurants aren't normally allowed to sell take-away alcohol after 10!.

Any ideas!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Licensing laws are dependant on their consumer groups, the basis of the store and the type of products they intend to sell!.

Peckhams (at least the Peckhams here) is rather upmarket and therefore doesn't just cater to your average alcoholic on the dole!. They're specialists in expensive wines, whiskeys and cognacs, fine foods!. Alot of upmarket higher-class restaurants have this same license, most just choose to cut off alcohol around ten to stop people from getting too drunk and causing trouble when it's time for them to leave!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Its because most of the shops i!.e haddows, threshers etc are all franchises and the people can't be bothered with opening that late!. In Edinburgh we have two 24 hour asda's we could go to for drink that late!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It must have something to do with having restaurants as you say!. Any other place cannot serve alcohol after 10 at night and on a Sunday until after 12!.30 afternoon!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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