Why is it good to "freak" and black n mild cigar? And are Cigars better or worse that Cigarretes?!

Question: Why is it good to "freak" and black n mild cigar!? And are Cigars better or worse that Cigarretes!?
ive heard about that, what does it mean to "freak"!?, i know it means removing the paper, but why is it good to remove the paper!? and is it true that black and milds arent as bad as cigarretes!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well where I'm from its called champin' a black it supposedly gets rid of the part that causes the cancer and makes it taste betterWww@FoodAQ@Com

i've never heard anyone say "freak" but i'd think cigars r worse than cigarretes cuz cigars r a lot bigger!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

'Cause then you'd be a thug-thizzle who keeps it grizzle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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