Why does my gas smell like Malibu Rum when I drink Malibu rum? It only happens with Malibu Rum, nothing else!!

Question: Why does my gas smell like Malibu Rum when I drink Malibu rum!? It only happens with Malibu Rum, nothing else!
I don't drink nowhere as near as I did it my mid 20's, but I never understood why Malibu Rum would do that!. I really, really liked it because my gas usually reeked except for a short period in my teens when I didn't have any scent (well those days are long gone)!. I was just wondering if it was some type of chemical balance, if so I'm going to start drinking that rum again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Probably something to do with the very strong coconut flavoring added to itWww@FoodAQ@Com

I think you are supposed to drink it with your mouth!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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