What can I do about old wines? As in like 30-50 year-old wines? Can I still sell them? To whom and where?!

Question: What can I do about old wines!? As in like 30-50 year-old wines!? Can I still sell them!? To whom and where!?
It depends on the condition upon which the wine was stored!. heat, light, and fluctuations in temp and humidity can all affect wine!. It also depends on the type of wine it is, some wines are supposed to be drunk young, while others age well!. also, different wines have different prime ages!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can always do as suggested below: try a local wine shop!. The only thing is, retailers are sometimes hesistant to buy old wines from private parties because the retailers have no way of knowing if the wines have been stored properlu; therefore, they cannot guarantee that the wines are not cooked!. Your best bet would probably be ebay, believe it or not!. Before you do that, though, make sure to go on winesearcher!.com and find out the estimated price of your bottles, so you can start the bidding at the appropriate price!. No sense in you getting ripped off!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would contact a local wine shop in your area, tell them the Vintage and years, and see what they suggest, they are the experts!. The big thing is to make sure they havent gone to vinegarWww@FoodAQ@Com

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