Why are people that smoke pot always portrayed as stoners?!

Question: Why are people that smoke pot always portrayed as stoners!?
i mean yes there are those that do nothing but get high all day and get the fill of Cheetos and TV!.!.!.!.but not everyone thats smokes pot is a "stoner" There are many white collared working class citizens that smoke all the time!. Like me

Thats like associating the people that drink beer as alcoholics that spend late nights in bars every night and just get drunk and watch football all day!.

You had a glass a wine for dinner, or maybe even a beer at the super bowl (how dare you have two beers) but i dont call you an alcoholic

I smoked some pot in my own house, after work, and made a nice meal with my wife!. Im not a low life pot-head that just gets high all day!

so why do people just assume every pot smoker is a typical stoner!?!!?!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I love the analogy but the difference lies in the legal implications!. Because cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug under overarching federal law, there is a stigma attached to its use (recreational or medicinal)!. Educated individuals see the absurdity in classifying it alongside such life-ruining drugs as Heroin, Mescaline, Ecstasy, etc!. and understand the implications of restricting certain freedoms with vague laws and cruel punishments while concurrently letting similarly mind-altering substances go by unchecked (perhaps a lobbyist or two is involved)!. Many people prefer to blindly accept laws as moral truths and live under the delusion that the federal government is the be all and end all of rational, ethical, and fair legislation!. The combination of public subservience/general disinterest about policy-making and the automatic stigma associated with Schedule 1 drugs (deserved or not) is what, in my opinion, contributes most to the stereotype!. I don't smoke, but am shocked by the willful ignorance of the public at large!. I don't mean to editorialize, but my conversations with rational, educated peers and adults (liberal or conservative) who are free from religious constraints have yielded a unanimous consensus in favor of marijuana legalization!. Even from a pragmatic standpoint, the amount of money spent by the U!.S!. government on the "War on Drugs" is absurd and has the sum total of flushing away billion of dollars for zero result!. That's the federal government for you!Www@FoodAQ@Com

For those who make the "illegal" argument: it used to be illegal to marry a black person in some states!. But does that mean it is wrong to do so!? It used to be illegal to consume alcohol, but did that make it wrong!? Governments represent power, and sometimes they do things for the interests of those who have power (like beer companies, who don't want competition)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's because that is the stereotype that has been displayed for decades!. To a person that doesn't smoke, and doesn't have friends that smoke, all they see is the "typical" pothead image!.

The stoners, like alcoholics, are just more visible to the average person, and so that is what is assumed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't take is so personal!. It's just a stereotype!. There were alot of teenagers in the late 70's and early 80's including myself that fit that profile to a tee!. Later on I cleaned up my act!. I think if you are paranoid about some commercials you are smoking too much!. Sorry if that hurts your buzz!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

uhhhh well personally i noe people that do smoke sometimes and i feel there's nothing wrong with it!.!.!.!. as long as u use it responsibly and don't do it 24:7 and then as u said eat cheetos all day long!!!!
ohhh and ur not a stoner and niether is my big brother!!!!


I think its more that all stoners are portrayed as smoking pot!. There are several representations of pot smoking by non stoners in film and TV!. It depends on the needs of the writer and the situation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Theres just a stigma with doing, RECREATIONAL DRUGS!. That goes with anything, whether that be beer which drugs your senses or whatever else!. Deal with it!. do whatever you want in life!. but don't go around preaching about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe it's the fact that unless it's medicinal marijuana that it's illegal!? People don't usually associate good things with illegal substances!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good point!. I used to be a stoner, but I got bored of it and realized it was doing harm!. Now it's only once in a while!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think stoners are people who are plastered all day and everyone knows it!.
I think if you smoke now and then (which i dont suggest is a good thing, as its not) I dont think your a stoner!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because they are and the fact that you previously asked about giving yourself head, just shows it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't assume every pot smoker is a stoner!.!.!.the people who assume that are tight asses that don't or never have smoked potWww@FoodAQ@Com

One who smokes is a smoker!.
One who gets stoned is a stoner!.
Verb, noun!.
The end!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because it's called "Getting Stoned!" Hence the name!

Don't think so much about it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think what you think!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

this is way too long!.!.!.especially for a potheadWww@FoodAQ@Com

Ceech and Chong MoviesWww@FoodAQ@Com

i understand what u are saying!.!.!.!.!.!.!. idk why they do this but it's not fair!. It is illegal, though!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

cause theres alot of people out there that has never tried it and they think they are better than anyone that has smoked before even tho they dont realize that its just a non dangerous drug!. and they are very defensive because people are scared of things they dont know anything about!. so they hate it!. but when they end up doing it they dont tend to hate it anymore because its really nothing to be scared about!. these people grew up in the age of ronald reganWww@FoodAQ@Com

C'mon!. Of all the possible causes in the world to champion, I can't believe anyone would chose this one!.

Maybe people believe it because this is a ridiculous cause to be worried about- a cause that would be championed by someone with too much time (and maybe too much pot) on their hands!.

Invest your time in a real cause, not pot!. Be a man!. Think of starving children or orphans- anything but this!. When your life is over, you want it to count for something!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People think everyone who smokes pot are stoners because they smoke 4-5 times a week and think that's responsible!. Since you're taking it medically, I guess it is for you, but to be smoking it that many times a week just to relax is too often, just like drinking a six pack that many times a week is too often (which you recognized yourself)!.

The problem is that it is an illegal substance, so either people fear it or they love it!. Alcohol is legal, so the majority of people are neutral, and a relatively small percent fear it or love it!.

Most people who smoke pot are going to be in the category of loving pot, and those people end up being stoners!. Very few people are going to smoke pot occasionally, and those people who do will not announce to the world that they do smoke pot, so people who don't smoke do not see the occasional smoker!. They only see the pot heads who smoke pot for most of the week!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't listen to all of these haters leaving you answers that do nothing to answer the question that you asked!. First of all, yes weed is illegal!. (At least it is here in Florida where I live so I don't know about California) Guess what, speeding is illegal!. Has anyone in here ever gone over the posted speed limit!? Guess what, you have broken the law!. In some states, it is illegal to have oral or anal sex!. Guess what, people still do it!. It is only illegal if you get caught!. If you are like me, which it sounds like you are, you are responsible with what you do and only do it in your home, then I don't see any problems!. Let people think what they want, I really don't care!. I know I am responsible, I take care of my family, and I run my business with no problems at all!. Guess what, even if and when they decide to legalize it, there are still going to be haters just like there are now!. Ever seen a Truth commercial!? Guess what, cigarettes are perfectly legal!. I don't smoke cigarettes but it doesn't bother me that people do!. The pleasure police need to piss off and leave everyone alone!. If I decide to smoke then guess what, there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it!!!! Do I sound like a "Stoner" to you!? I think not!. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you do! I do the same! Roll it up, light it up, smoke it up, inhale, exhale!!! Don't anyone be jealous ok!?! Jealousy is a very ugly thing!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

people wanted to back in the day, say that pot was the "starter" drug to the harder stuff!. I know it never was!. I use to smoke every day!. Seen people doing alot worse than I was everyday!. But alot of the movies in the early 70's and 80's portrayed pot as a "bad thing" Like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and stuff like that!. I still haven't heard proof that a person can get hooked on pot like they can alcohol and the other stuff floating around now!. So if this is something you choose to do, you have to be your own judge on it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dude, I smoke more and drink more than the averages that you used for both "Stoner" and "alcoholic"!. I don't consider myself to be in either of these categories, and neither do my friends or family!.

I am both a responsible drinker and a responsible smoker!.

The stoner and alcoholic part comes in, when these activities affect your daily life in a negative way (messing up your job, your life, your relationships, your health!.!.!.etc!.!.!.etc)!.!.!.then and only then would you be considered a lazy stoner or an alcoholic!.

These people that just assume every pot smoker is a stoner and every drunk is an alcoholic are just ignorant and need to educate themselves!.!.!.or be introduced to people that use both in their daily lives and actually meet a typical stoner vs!. a responsible marijuana smoker and a alcoholic vs!. a responsible drinker!. There is a large difference and it has nothing to do with how much an individual does it!. One person may be able to handle a ton more than the next!.!.!.its all about how they are affected emotionally, socially, and if they succed or fail in their daily lives!.

Cheers bro, and, puff, puff, pass!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because people like to catagorize/stereotype/associate activities to a picture in their head so they're not constantly fearful of the world around them!. So illegal drugs of any sort = stoner whether for medicinal purposes or not are catagorized in what we're shown on tv, magazines, things from back in 5th grade (dare) are all associated!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whatever, dude!. And I am a responsible alcoholic!.

Why do you even care about what other people think about this!?

The bottom line for me on the whole "medical marijuana" thing is that doctors and growers are manipulating the system to take advantage of people like you!. It is like tobacco, or alcohol!. I can almost guarantee you have no medical need for the stuff!. You just want to get fecked up!. And you are going to keep smoking as long as you can!.

The bottom line is you choose to alter your perception of reality with your drug of choice, and yours happens to be illegal in the eyes of the federal government!. It does mess you up!. Doesn't mean you can't function in society!. It just means you like to get fecked up!. Who cares!? You don't want to be the President!

(I puffed on it, but I did not inhale!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Its just a stereo-type!. People Have to deal with them every day!. Its like saying "Black people are lazy", "Asians don't know how to drive" or "White people can't dance"

Stereo-types the majority of the time are not true!. Even though generalizations aren't good they are something that you, everyone else and I have to come to terms with!. Just continue on your marry way proving that all pot smokers are in fact NOT stoners - that's the only thing you can do as one person, you know!.

All in all - Who cares what anyone has to say because no one has the right to judge you me or anyone else out there!. Next time someone makes a snap judgment about you tell them to get off their high horse and realize that people will do what they want when they want and your sure that they do some stuff that's not kosher!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think people consider all pot smokers as stoners, Stoners are just the ones that along with their morning coffee they are smoking a big fat rocket!. And that's just the start of the day, consumption increase as their day goes on!. it s been an amazing potent increase in THC levels in the past 2 decades!.Most rec users don't smoke more then one "Doobie" a day, often smoking half then maybe the other half later!. Any one over 40 remembers pot from Mexico @about 25 per ounce, well those days are over!.!.!.

What i have discovered is a lot of professionals have DEcreased their booze consumption in favour of a little buzz, not condoning drive in a high state!.

As always, i have always favoured de-criminalization, but never legalization!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because we've been taught that it's a bad thing to do (like all illicit substances,) and to justify our thoughts their needs to be some negative consequence to doing pot!. Most people can enjoy it in moderation and without it negatively affecting their lives, just as with alcohol, sex, etc!. Reminds me of that scene in Walk Hard where Tim Meadows is telling Dewey not to smoke pot and ends up making a good case for it!.


Wow, Are you a tab bit defensive or what!

First of all what your doing has been deemed ILLEGAL!. So!.!.!. What part of the law are you having trouble with!. The fact that it is a law, or the fact that you don't feel that the law applies to you!.

White collar working class man, do you feel that you are better than all the other pot smokers who are blue collar, homeless folks, bums in the gutter, or all the "Typical" pot smoking CEO's!.

You are the one with the ATTITUDE, or perhaps a problem!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i used to smoke about half a blunt everyday!.
i was a straight A student and was on the national honor society!. i was 16 and taking 2 college courses at a local community college!.
but yet all anyone ever thought of me as was just "that pothead"!.

its small minded ignorant people, while at the same time quite a few fellow pot smokers are to blame!.
the ones that just smoke weed all day and are basically never sober!.
then theres the ones who carry guns and try to act thug!.
theres so many people who smoke pot and do nothing productive with their lives and they're the ones who keep the whole "stoner" stereotype alive!.
and then theres all the anti-drug commercials on tv that are also to blame!. the ones that make it look like if someone smokes weed then all they're gonna do for the rest of their life is sit in their basement and get high!.

but people dont like hearing about the good side to any story because the bad side is always gonna be more interesting!.

its unfair and it sucks but thats life!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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