Vodka: can you taste the difference in a blind tasting?!

Question: Vodka: can you taste the difference in a blind tasting!?
There is a big difference in price between a heavily advertised brand of vodka and a cheaper one!. Can you taste the difference if you are blindfolded of `1) STRAIGHT VODKA AND 2) MIXED DRINK WITH VODKA!? I don't think you can!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. Professional tasters diluting their vodkas distilled water in a ratio of 50/50

2!. Principal contrast Slavic vodka - Russian, Ukrainian, - from western counterparts - the use of `live`, rather than distilled water!. Nemiroff, for example, uses artesian water from a cleaner area for Vinichchinne, which runs only technologically necessary clean-up phases, with its third part of the natural reserves of salt and minerals necessary for the harmonious connection with alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you drink vodka much, yea you can tell the difference!. I havent had much 'top shelf' vodka myself but i've had mid-ranger version to cheap and there is a difference!. Not just in the taste at the time, but the hangovers are different!.

The more expensive are usually filtered more (less toxins) and tastes cleaner and drink smoother!. also, since there are less toxins you have a less severe hangover!.

They actually tested this on Mythbusters once and Jamie and the 'Vodka expert' pretty much ranked the taste between 6-8 vodkas spot on!. The below-average drinker probably wouldnt tell the difference tho in a mixed drink and thats why i stick with the mid-to-low grade stuff when i mix it for a bloody mary or screwdriver!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on how I'm drinking it!. Straight, there is a definite noticeable difference!. Good vodkas like Grey Goose and Belvedere go down much smoother when drinking straight or on the rocks!. However, in a mixed drink, I can't tell the difference between the moderately priced (absolut, stoli, etc) and the much higher priced!.

Where I have noticed a difference is the morning after!.!.If I get drunk off of cheap vodka, I definitely feel sicker in the morning (headache, stomachache, etc!.) than I do when I drink anything from the mid-range up (smirnoff, three olives, stoli, absolut!.!.!.)!.

And don't even think of serving me a martini made with Mr!. Boston or Bartons! (gag!.!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

On Mythbusters they did a myth in which they filtered vodka through a filter to try and make low-end vodka taste like high-end vodka!. Despite using this filter, it was discernible the high-end vodka from low-end!. So the answer to your question is yes!.

"Vodka Myths: Top Shelf Filtration!. A three-way contest is set up between a professional vodka expert, Jamie and perpetual cheap date Kari to see if they can tell the difference between a top-shelf vodka and a low-end vodka filtered through a water filter six times in a blind taste-test!. The pro nails it, Jamie does good and Kari, well, she doesn't care!. What's more is the cost of those filters is so much that you'd be better off just buying the good stuff in the first place!. Busted!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

More expensive vodkas (like grey goose) are much cleaner then the cheap ones!. There is definately a difference!. And yes, I could tell the difference in a blind taste test!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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