Despite the Prohibition of alcohol in Arab society, is there any alcoholism to be found?!

Question: Despite the Prohibition of alcohol in Arab society, is there any alcoholism to be found!?
It would be naive to suggest that Alchohol is forbidden in every Arab society (the very word comes from Arabic: Al-Chohol)!. While the majority of Arabs are Muslim, and therefore opposed to drinking, there are other religious minorities such as Arab Christians and Arab Jews who will drink!. As other answerers have aptly put it, you can get alchohol anywhere in the Middle East- it only depends on how secretive you have to be about it!. In Saudi, you can get Alchohol if you know the right people!. In Syria, some Christian owned resteraunts will have bars and serve alchoholic drinks!. In fact, Syria and Lebanon have create a unique wine called "Arak", usualy grown by priests who use the proceeds for charity!.
As in any country where Alchohol can be found, there is bound to be alchoholism!. However, in the Middle East, Alchoholism is very low- though not unheard of!. Interestingly enough, Alchoholism tends to be more of a problem in countries where Alchohol is forbidden, than in countries where you can get it easily!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

!.!.due to underdeveloped digestive system by genetics(similar to native Americans/Hawaiians) Alcohol is poison in their systems!. the addictive/compulsive is much higher in under uneducated and repressed societies!. Another reason for prohibition is the lack of organics to make Ethanol!.Grains are limited and fruits are at premium!.
food is much more important than liquor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, but it depends what country you are in!.

If you go to Saudi Arabia, you will have to know the right people, if you are in Dubai, you just have to go to a hotel bar where all the expats go to find full bars!.

All Arab countries are not the same, and have different laws and regulations regarding alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh, yeah!. Because nobody wants to be caught with a bottle of alcohol, the tendency is to drink the whole bottle in one night!.

If you are entertaining Arabs, Islamic or not, you better have alcohol available if you don't want the party to be a dud!. If someone does not want to drink (assuming such a person exists) he can always have a soft drink!. Most of the others will be drinking scotch!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

uh, yeah!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.that's why it's forbidden!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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