Is La Fée Absinthe Legal in the US?!

Question: Is La Fée Absinthe Legal in the US!?
I want to get some Absinthe but I am wondering if this is legal to have sent to my home via the mail in the US!. I really want to try it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Absinthe is legal!.
Depending on your state's liquor laws, having liquor shipped to you by mail may be illegal, but that's a chance you'll have to consider if a certain product you want isn't for sale in your state!.
Again, absinthe is LEGAL!.
also, thujone in wormwood is not a hallucinogen!.!.!. that's a silly myth!.


Actually they lifted the ban on Absinthe in 2007, we carry several varieties in the liquor store I work at!.

As for shipping, it depends on the state you live in, in some states you need a special license (NJ being one of them) to ship alcohol, as for recieving alcohol via mail I don't believe it is a problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

absinth is illegal to order it!. There is a american absinth the new Orleans but its not the real stuff!. its watered down!. with no wormwood!. But i had tried the real stuff it is the best!!. really good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I watched all about it on History Channel and they said it wasn't legal yet but the program could have been several years old, and I did hear from a contact that it is legal now!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No it is not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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