How many mL of 40% Vodka is in a 7% Vodka cooler?!

Question: How many mL of 40% Vodka is in a 7% Vodka cooler!?
I was just curious because it makes me feel more comfortable if I know how much I can drink without feeling sick!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If it's a 355ml bottle (12 ounces) It's around 60ml, or 2 ounces!. 50ml is considered standard for a mixed drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well let's see: 7 goes into 40 5!.7 times!. So now we know that vodka is 5!.7 times stronger than cooler!.

Now, by dividing 1 by 5!.7, we can work out that for each 1ml of a vodka cooler you drink, you'd be drinking the equivalent of 0!.175ml of vodka!.

That means an average 275ml bottle of cooler contains the equivalent of 48!.125ml of vodka (just short of a double or "large" measure)!.

Knowing how much will make you sick will not simply depend on the alcohol content, however: Have you considered factors such as the amount of sugar or additives used in manufacturing these drinks!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you live in the USA!.!.!. Zero!.

If you live in the UK about 1!.8oz or so!.

And it is NOT BEER! Beer is malted barley, hops, water and yeast!. MAlt beverages like those lack at least two of those!.

2!.1 ounces of 40% vodka is about equal to 12 ounces of 7% content malt liquors!.

2!.1 ounces X !.4 = !.84 ounce ethanol alcohol

12 ounces x !.07 = !.84 ounce ethanol alcoholWww@FoodAQ@Com

Like a Smirnoff Ice!? None, it's beer (malt) based!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

depends on the size of the bottle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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