Over drinking??!

Question: Over drinking!?!?
ok im 19 and have been drinking since i was 14(i live in ireland its 18 to drink so im legal now)over the last year or so ive probably went no more than 3 days i think was my record without having a drink!.i don't drink heavily every day maybe just the weekend!.but my friends seem to think im an alcoholic but they kinda joke about it not take it serious!.!.but sometimes i think i should give up but then think ah why bother im happy th way i am so what do you think should i think about quitting or just stay as i am!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your friends joke about it because they are at an age where they think they are invincible and too immature to recognize a serious problem!.

Only you can determine if you are an alcoholic!. DO you rely on alcohol to have a good time!? Is alcohol involved when you get into trouble!? Do you have a physical dependency on alcohol!? Do you drink to get drunk, or get drunk too many times!? Can you stop at just one or two drinks!?

If you like the person you are when you drink and you did not answer yes to too many of these questions, you most likely don't have a problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would say cut down on it if it is bothering you (which it probably is, since you are even asking this question)!. I'd say try to only drink 3 times a week and only get drunk 2 of those days (probably the weekend)!. Even if you are happy drinking so much, if you continue doing this you could cause irreversible damage to your liver!. Good luck :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

hey hey, where abouts ya live!?!?

ah your grand!.!.!.!.!.!.!.your young why not!?!

a long as your still able to do what ya should!.!.!.and work/college arnt suffering and your a happy drunk (if your an angry/depressed type when your drunk then id cut down)

anyway its summer now! cider season!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

leaving in ireland, you have a problem!. you are drinking tooo much for your age!. cut backWww@FoodAQ@Com

u said that u dont drink heavily!.!.well maybe tone it down to maybe 3 days a week or somethin!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

im 13 and drink!.!.!. youll be okWww@FoodAQ@Com

only if YOU feel you have a problem!.!.!.!.just tone it down!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I say just slow down on ur drinkingWww@FoodAQ@Com

cut down dont quit(thats kinda extreme for an irish man)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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