Is red wine the elixir of life?!

Question: Is red wine the elixir of life!?
Research suggests that the compound resvesterol found in red wine is known to have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties!. Low doses of resvesterol mimic the effects of calorie restriction to combat ageing
Sounds good enough for me!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Th Europeans have been drinking red wine daily for centuries!. Many of them age very gracefully!. A glass of red wine a day is also good for the heart, especially muscadine and scuppernong grapes!. That is what my dad's cardiac specialist told him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Red wine, taken in sensible quantities, does seem to have several beneficial effects!. However, 1/3 of a bottle (25 cl!.) is as much as you should drink regularly!. Don't forget, ALL alcohol is a big no-no during pregnancy!. I have seen the results all too often, in Africa particularly, the result is called FAS or Foetal Alcohol Syndrome!. The brain damage is truly awful to see; apparently healthy youngsters with memories like severe Alzheimer victims!.
That said, thanks I'll have a glass with pleasure!. Cheers!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I do enjoy wine, but!.!.!.
I am of the opinion that beer is the elixir of life!. (Good beer, not mass-market industrial lagers)!. Beer is, afterall, the oldest alcoholic beverage on the planet and the catalyst for the birth of civilization!.
Check out this link for beer's health benefits!.
There are hundreds more reasons why beer is great, but I can't fit them all here!. Look for them soon on my website!.


The big problem for many people is that they cannot just have one small glass per day, they end up finishing the bottle and at that dose, red wine has a reverse affect and actually does you more harm :(
Sorry to be a party pooper ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Wine is nice but a good dark beer can match it in antioxidants and vitamins!. It is good for the heary and for the urinary system!.

"Drink no longer water but take a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thy sometime infirmities!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not only is some red wine good for you, but, it is soooooo good!.


always sounds like a good reason to drink to me!. But my mother swears by her red and its recomended by her GP!. Although only a moderate glass!.!.!. not the bottle a day ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hi Plato, Red wine!. Hmmm,
If offered a choice I would rather have coffee!. Caffeine the root of all evil!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i like to live by, 'a red a day keeps the doctor away' and its worked for the last 24months since i started!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ahh, sounds good!. 1 glass a day, something that will go down well with my apple a day!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'd love to share a bottle or two with you Lovely lady

All things in moderation can be beneficialWww@FoodAQ@Com

am not much of a drinker Got Milk !?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like red wine!. Just it gives me a bad hang over :(Www@FoodAQ@Com

huh,any excuse you adoreable creature!.xxWww@FoodAQ@Com

i only use red wine for cooking!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No - that's Scotch WhiskyWww@FoodAQ@Com

If only you could know how most of wines are grown - all the craps which are used to protect them against insects etc, all the carcenogenetical substances which are hidden to the consumers, maybe would you stop repeating what, before you thousands of people have already said -

There is one and only one elixir of life : pure water and severe food habits -

When answerers refer to generations of europeans they ignore that two centuries ago most of people had no access to wine, this one being reserved to rich people - most of us were poor and died very young because of the misery of life and medicine which anyway they could not afford - in families of 8 children such as mine, one or two survived -
Let's not dream too much - if you want ot buy wine go for it - but don't over-intellectualize your businessWww@FoodAQ@Com

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