Why Is Absinthe Illegal In Many Places?!

Question: Why Is Absinthe Illegal In Many Places!?
What's the most dangerous parts of the drink!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It WAS illegal in many places, but no more!.
The reason is that people perpetuate the VERY FALSE myth that thujone (a chemical contained in wormwood - an herb used to spice the drink) is a hallucinogen!.!.!.
Thujone is NOT a hallucinogen!.
People also seem to think that it contains methanol, which is false!.
People also seem to think that the chemical properties of wormwood are similar to that of THC in marijuana - which is extremely FALSE!.
REAL absinthe is again LEGAL in the US and damn near everywhere else in the world, because people finally are beginning to wake up and realize all the old wive's tales regarding the drink are completely unfounded!.
also, it's not especially high in alcohol!. Most absinthe is between 50 and 150 proof (25% - 75% alcohol by volume), not 50 to 90 percent!.!.!. that's ridiculous!.

Thujone!. Real absinthe is banned in the USA unless it tests "thujone free" or <10ppm thujone!. Real absinthe has anything up to 35mg-100mg thujone!. Thujone is a naturally occuring terpene in artemisia absinthium (grande wormwood) and to be USA "safe" it is removed either using chemotypes of the plant or by chemical extraction!.

According to the FDA, alcoholic beverages must be thujone-free pursuant to 21 CFR 172!.510!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Absinthe (REAL Absinthe) is made with "wormwood" aka METHANOL, which is poisonous and makes you hallucinate!. Somewhat ironically, the cure for methanol poisoning is ethanol, the alcohol found in almost all other alcoholic drinks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm fairly sure it's because it's hallucinogenic (causes hallucinations) and probably because of the high alcohol content (50-90%) compared to a regular beer which is, for example, around 4!.9%!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It causes hallucinations, right!? That's probably why!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's the woodworm!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Drinking it, as far as I understand!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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