Yeast in wine, cider, beer after its finished fermenting?!

Question: Yeast in wine, cider, beer after its finished fermenting!?
i understand (i think in most cases except with "white beer") that yeast is removed from wine and cider (and beer!?) once its finished fermenting, is this correct!?
if so, is there still yeast residue left over in these drinks after yeast removal!?
( if one is meant to avoid yeast due to having developed an intolerance to yeast are these COMPLETELY off the menu!? doctor not helpful, knowledgable, nor does he care) thanksWww@FoodAQ@Com

Apart fom distilling a liquid, you will always have a litlte yeast left in winde/beer/cider!. Normally this drinks are siphoned off leaving the yeats and other waste in the bottom of the brewing vessle!. Very rarely are products filtered!. Sorry I don't know if this means these products are completely off the menu!.
Suggest you steer clear of ale and cider, try a bottled lager (very clear drink) and various wines, just a small glas of each, one at a time - if no reaction you will be OK!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

most commercial beers and ciders are filtered, after which they only contain a real minimal amount of yeast!. Plus you have to take into account that lager and the likes work with a totally different strain of yeast, so it's not certain that you would be allergic to that!.
of course if you go into stronger beers they often have yeast sediment left in the bottle which is used to ferment the beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

if you ar allergic to wheat, you cannot eat or drink anything with wheat or yeast in it !. they cannot be removed!. i to have gluten allergy (wheat) you must be very careful what you eat or drink!. did you know that coke has wheat in it!? you must read all labels everytime you buy or get something!. ingredients change!. companies don't say that!. good luck!. if you have questions my e mail address is whiteharleytrike@yahoo!.comWww@FoodAQ@Com

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