Do guys prefer a woman that drinks beer?!

Question: Do guys prefer a woman that drinks beer!?
I like wine and think it's a little classier!. But does that label me as high maintenance!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

No it doesn't class you as high maintenance!.
But men might get a different aspect of your personality
Personally if i seen a woman drinking wine it shows me that she enjoys the finer things in lifeWww@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think any guy likes the idea of a woman drinker unless they are looking to get her drunk so she is easy to get in bed!. If your having a special dinner or meal that requires one to have a beer don't drink it from a bottle but in a glass!. Wine should be sipped and not guzzled down!. And then only one glass should be allowed!.

I would never go out and order a drink on a date!. It is always better to opt for something less expensive and go for a zesty seltzer water with lime/lemon, also makes for a good impression that you have alot of self control when it comes to alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

For anyone that thinks wine is classier than beer!.!.!.!.

Do a little research!. Beer is probably the most prestigious beverage there is!. Beer is the oldest manufactured beverage and it the reason we stopped banging rocks together in caves, built villages and planted farms!. Further more on more than one occasion it has prevent the extinction of the human race due to tainted water supplies!.

Granted, I don't mean crap corn water (Bud, Miller, Coors) that passes as beer to most people!. I mean real beer!. Malted barley, hops!.!.!. flavor and distinction!.

On to your actual question!. Yes, I prefer a woman who drinks good beer!. If a woman chose to drink wine, I wouldn't have a problem with it!.!.!. as long as she wasn't a pretentious b#tch that tried to change me!. Drink what you like and I'll drink what I like!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I honestly wish my wife drank beer!. There is a lot more to beer than the mass produced swill that most americans are accustomed to and it can definatley be considered "classy"!. I don't that that being a wine drinker though lables you as high maintenance!. I brew beer and enjoy sharing it with friends and family, and it would be nice to share it with my wife!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're saying yourself that you think you're classier than girls who drink beer!.!.!. that kind of makes you high maintenance already!. I like both wine and beer for their taste, not for the image they supposedly give you!. Going back to your question, I guess it depends on the guy!. Some guys think beer drinking women aren't feminine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like a woman who drinks what she likes, not what she thinks she should drink!.
I like a girl who drinks quality wine OR beer!. One who knows here beer is way more impressive than one who just drinks the most expensive wine because she thinks its SUPOSED to be good!. Bud, coors, and the like are a no go though!. Might as well be piss water!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like girls that don't drink at all!. There is less to worry about with them, but if they do drink their choice of drink is up to them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

At a party, yes because there's always fun afterwards!.
But if she was my girlfriend yea sure but not an addict!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes ,Www@FoodAQ@Com

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