How do i get into Pub management?!

Question: How do i get into Pub management!?
Hey everyone!.!.!.

I am very interested in pub management, thing is i don't have any experience within the industry!.!.!. I do however have previous managerial experience!.

What would be the best way to get into this!?!!?!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Buy the Morning Advertiser or The Publican!. These two publications offer recruitment sections and courses affiliated to the industry!. I`m sure that you`ve given this venture serious thought, but the long hours, the no smoking policy, and the ever increasing prices, are all working against us and there seems little hope for change in the future!. if you do decide to go ahead then i wish you good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Get yourself into a weekend job in a good pub (one where they are willing to teach you cellar care/management)!. It's almost as good as going out with your mates to one anyway as the social aspect is so good!. Get a bit of experience behind you first to see if you are cut out for it as it can be long hard hours & by the end of the night everyone is jolly & you are still sober & tired!. It's a great way of meeting people & making new friends too( & getting a few drinks bought for you)!. Good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Apply for jobs for starters!. Pub owners (in my experience) are more interested in personalities than experience!.!.!. at least the good ones anyway!. You can teach almost anyone to pull a pint or mix a cocktail, you can't teach them to chat up patrons!.

You may also wish to take a bartending class!.!.!. not a requirement, but it could give you the knowledge you are lacking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well first you have to get in to the pub trade doing Bar Maid work ,in your spare time ,if you work Or perhaps join the staff of a large hotel as Assistant Bar Manager ,you will learn a lot there ,My daughter had never done bar work in her life ,and she started by getting an evening job at her local That way the Pub Manager can recommend you to the Brewery she went on to Manage and now owns her own pub, be warned its hard work and you have to be dedicated You live and work in the same place ,Its not for the faint heartedWww@FoodAQ@Com

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