A red wine that doesn't stain lips and teeth?!

Question: A red wine that doesn't stain lips and teeth!?
Do they all stain or is there one that doesn't!?
I love red wine but hate to have a purple mouth!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I call these Smurf Tooth wines!. New World wines esp from Australia and California are high extraction, thick, and jammy!. This is what stains your teeth in the first glass!. Many Italian, Spanish, and french reds will not do this!. Tempernillo based wines like Rioja, and Cab Franc based wines like Chinon, are good examples!. Pinot Noir is also a lighter red, but many California producers add as much as 20% Petit Verdot or Syrah to make them jammy and think, which they should not be (and by law they do not have to show this on the lable)!. Its all about branching out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sorry, all red wine will stain!.
Try carrying some of those 'Brush-ups' with you in your purse when you are drinking wine!. They are little pieces of fabric that you put over your finger tip to brush your teeth on the go!. Sold in the toothpaste aisle!. You can use them in the bathroom stall, flush 'em and no-one will be the wiser!. If you can't find those use paper towel with water for a quick brush!.

I love my red wine but hate the stains, carry a clear lip gloss with you too!. It'll stop the stain from seeping into your lips!.


Try a Merlot!.
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have a nice juneWww@FoodAQ@Com

No red wine is good for the heart, and it do not stain the lips and the teeth, to much wine will burn your liverWww@FoodAQ@Com

They all stain your lips and teeth!. The lighter the wine, the less it stains, but they all stain your lips and teeth in my experience!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

none the alternative is gin, vodka, Bacardi, white wine,or if you really cant resist drink it through a straw lol lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yes there is!. Its called "White Wine!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

does it really stain your teeth and lips!?!?:OWww@FoodAQ@Com

red wine doesnt but white wine!.does!.!.!. hope i helped!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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