I need help with a drink?!

Question: I need help with a drink!?
sooooo!.!.!. i went out asked for a drink and they gave me a drink i cannot remember the name off!.

basically the bartender said it was a flavored long island iced tea, it was very sweet with a cherry in it!.!.!.!. he said it was passion or confession or something like that

anyone know any possible names!?!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A flavored LIT!? Its probably just something they made up!. I'm assuming they replaced the coke with a sweet beverage and added a cherry!. Or maybe they just added grenadine to a LIT!. Go back to the bar and ask whats in itWww@FoodAQ@Com

You gotta ask the bartender, I used to bartend and make up names for homade drinks all the timeWww@FoodAQ@Com

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