How to make mix drinks properly?!

Question: How to make mix drinks properly!?
I am bartending a party this sat with little to no experience bartending!. Can anyone give me tips on what I NEEED to know!? also if ur making simple drinks like vodka/cranberry jack/coke do u put the alcohol or juice in the cup of ice first!? Thanks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

First make sure you have supplies!. Get some "speed-pourers" - don't have to be stainless, the red plastic will do & they're cheaper! Have a mixing tin & strainer handy for drinks called for straight-up & be sure you have sip-stix so folks can stir their own!. Always ice, liquor, mix!. With speed-pourers the rule of thumb is a slow 1-2-3 count then add mix sip-stix & send 'em on their way!. Bev naps are always a nice touch placed in front of them b4 they order! Don't forget your tip jar unless the host(ess) prefeers you not use one in which case make sure you are paid handsomelyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Pick up the Bartender's Black Book for learning the basics!.

You should be able to pour both the mixer and the alcohol in at the same time!.!.!.(bartending 101)!.!.!.if you can't do that, then pour the alcohol first then the mixer!.

Have fun and good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

always put at least 2 shots of liour per glass!.!.!.doesnt matter just stir it well!.!.!.!.or u could dump everything in at once like experienced bartneders can but screw that!.!.!.just stir the glass very well!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Go to a book store, and purchase a book on drink mixing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

always ice first, then alcohol then juice or soda!. Don't have too heavy of a hand and use garnish when you called for!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Check this site: http://www!.mixed-drink!.com/Www@FoodAQ@Com

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