What really corks your colon when it comes to bad drivers?!

Question: What really corks your colon when it comes to bad drivers!?
* Nickel thieves: Selfish B*st*rds who merge at the last
minute from the wrong lane, jamming up the flow of
traffic to save themselves a few seconds!.

* Dummies who refuse to plan ahead in slow moving traffic,
rushing to fill any gap & then stopping, causing all that
gas wasting & annoying, 'Stop & Go"!.

* The 'late for lunch'; nittwit who has to keep switching lanes in slow traffic trying to make a gain
when it's obvious that no-one is getting anywhere in
any hurry!.

And always:
Idiots: all drivers who choose to drive 5MPH or more faster than I!.
AssH*les: all drivers who choose to drive 5MPH or more slowter than I!.

Appologies for the rant, !.!.!. but you did ask!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People who travel in the passing lane; people who cut you off only to go slow; indecisive drivers; those who can't merge; and there are more, but basically anyone with a Rhode Island license plate!.

EDIT: One more -- I hate when I'm trying to be a nice person I let someone go, but they don't go even though I wave them on and flash them with my lights!. That absolutely drives me nuts and I end up not trying to be nice to anyone on the road for the rest of the day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People who use a faster lane to bypass a line of traffic waiting to make a turn or exit a freeway (or something similar), then cut in right at the end!.

They should be jerked out of their vehicles and shot right there!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm with Alesmith!. Another one(s) is that people don't know how to merge onto the freeway!. also, slow drivers in the left lanes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

some really good answers [esp!. the cell phone yakkers] - how about the people who won't get over till the last minute when exiting [highway to highway e!.g!.] , which in turn Slows down the traffic on the first highway!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Cell phone drivers make me absolutely bat sh*t crazy!. They're all terrible and the best part is that none of them think so!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

when people cut you off on the street or highway to the point where they just barely miss hitting your car, and they want to yell at you for "almost causing an accident"Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try asking that question in the auto section of answers you corkin idiot!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

cell phones , tailgaters , people that do not use direction signals,Www@FoodAQ@Com

the freakin idiot who thinks he can send text messages while driving!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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