Where can I find information about a specific beer's ABV or ABW? Erowids list isn't big enough.?!

Question: Where can I find information about a specific beer's ABV or ABW!? Erowids list isn't big enough!.!?
More specifically I want to know Yuengling Black & Tan's, but if anyone knows a link to a huge resource of this information, it's an assured 10 points!. Thanks, and happy weekend! : )Www@FoodAQ@Com


Search ANY beer!.

Here's Yuengling Black & Tan

http://beeradvocate!.com is the single best resource for a beer drinker on the web!. Support the cause, buy the magazine!.!.!. and maybe a shirt while you're at it!.

You can also go to http://ratebeer!.com

I used to love ratebeer!.!.!. over the last year or to I've come to the opinion that it has become to popular amongst the general public and rating are getting skewed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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