Alcoholic aphrodesiac?!

Question: Alcoholic aphrodesiac!?
Okay, so my friend got this drink called moonjuana lol, from his friend in russia or something, not too sure!. Anyways when i asked him about it, he said it was an aphrodesiac, and hes gonna have a fun time tonight!. Sure, alcohol in general could be considered an aphrodesiac, but this was known for being an aphrodesiac!. Are there any well known alcohols that are aphrodesiac that i can buy from the liquor store, or are they only found in different countries!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mamajuana from the Dominican Republic!. It is said to have aphrodesiac properties!. Anything like that is basically a placebo effect -- if you tell people something works and they believe it, it will!. So in other words, yes, you can buy anything you want in a liquor store and claim it has that effect!. Plus, alcohol can have that effect, anyway!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are no such things as aphrodesiac!. They are just stories!.
Alcohol may loosen up inhibitions, but it isn't "Spanish Fly"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Alcohol is more of a date rape drug than an aphrodesiac!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Couple glasses of wine do the trick for me!lol!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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