Iam hungover at work!!!?!
Help please, i went out last night and had alot to drink, i pretty much drank the whole bar, vodka, beer, tequila, some drink called long beach, i feel sleepy, wussy, and my time is going extremely slow, how can i cure this hangover!.!.!.!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
drink as much H2O as possible!. Take some tylenol or aspirin!. Get something in your stomach, now is an ok time to justify fried foods!.
Hangover's are a lack of hydration!. The more water you drink the better you will feel!. When you eat, eat slow!.
A hint: Next time, have a glass of water after every 2 drinks and drink as much water as possible before going to bed!. It makes a HUGE difference!.!.!.even if it's just the water before bed!.
When it gets bad!.!.!.think of all the stupid stuff you did last night and laugh ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Hangover's are a lack of hydration!. The more water you drink the better you will feel!. When you eat, eat slow!.
A hint: Next time, have a glass of water after every 2 drinks and drink as much water as possible before going to bed!. It makes a HUGE difference!.!.!.even if it's just the water before bed!.
When it gets bad!.!.!.think of all the stupid stuff you did last night and laugh ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can't!. Just cope with it, or go home and sleep it off!. You are still loaded with alcohol!. Plenty of a non caffeinated liquid is needed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
All above, but also drink orange juice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Red bull and lots of gaterade and take some tylenoh!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Eat spicy food!! If you cant have a bloody mary then I would reccomend spicy food and lots of waterWww@FoodAQ@Com
drink another beer lmao jk cold waterWww@FoodAQ@Com