Calculating percent alcohol (by volume)..?!

Question: Calculating percent alcohol (by volume)!.!.!?
Could someone help me out!? I'm trying to calculate the percent alcohol by volume for my beer but the number I got the first time was way too low, and the second time it was higher than I expected!. I thought I got the math right the second time, but a second opinion would be helpful!. Thanks in advance!

Starting SG: 1!.068
Ending SG: 1!.010

If anyone was wondering, it's a wheat beer I flavored with fresh peaches!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Alc/Vol = % v/v = (OG - TG)/ 7!.5

your Alc/Vol = 68 - 10 / 7!.5 = 7!.73

very high for most wheat beers but flavor is the ultimate test of quality

Post Script: THANKS for using fresh fruit!. I am not a fan of fruit beers but I am a purest and hate beers with added fruit flavor-keep it natural!. Great job!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The guy above me is absolutely right!. also, if you need a decent, but free, beer calculator, check out the Beer Recipator!. It will help you set up recipes, and calculate abv%, IBUs, and color!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i dont know but i wish i knew the name of it lol it sounds realy goodWww@FoodAQ@Com

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