Is it dangerous for a female to be a bartender?!
I really want to be a bartender to help pay for college but my parents won't let me go to school for it and I don't have the money to pay for that right now!.
They won't let me because they think it's dangerous for a girl to be in a bar!. Is it really that dangerous!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
They won't let me because they think it's dangerous for a girl to be in a bar!. Is it really that dangerous!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
My mom bartends & she's had a few problems here & there!. But nothing that she couldn't handle!. You just have to remember that you're working with drunk people & sometimes you have to cut them off!. They don't like that!. They also don't like it when you tell them no after they ask you out!. Even in a restuarant bar you can find mean drunks!. But most customers are nice!. I think that your parents are a bit over protective!. Maybe you can get on as a barback somewhere & see if the bartending life is for you!. My mom hates it, she says that she feels like a dealer & it makes her unhappy to be doing this!. But it's paying for her school!. Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's dangerous depending where you're bartending!. If you are bartending at a BAR !.!.like an actual bar!.!.!.then it could be alittle dangerous!. If thats your plan, make sure there is a bouncer there & Security!. Restaurants in my opinion aren't dangerous, people go there to eat and drink and sometimes go with their families so I would suggest you do the restaurant!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i want to be one too when i get to college!. but my brothers told me that they didnt want me to because men will harass me because im a "pretty girl" and will say and do things to make me uncomfortable!. but i can be a ***** and wont take it!. but it can be dangerous if your in a shady place!. but as long as you have a bodyguard (which most clubs do) just ask them to have him walk around and make sure things are OK! good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com
Its dangerous regardless of gender!. However the customers will most likely flirt with you and give you a bit of trouble!. Kep in mind that there are more people in the bar\restaurant that will be more than willing to help you out if things go wrong!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I was a bartender in my 20's loved it work in a nice restraunt not sleezy bar and you'll be fine most places train you just learn the basics like different liquors gin,vodka,rum,whiskeys,tequilla ect!. go for it have fun !Www@FoodAQ@Com
It really does depend on where you work, and your personality!.
If you work in a reputable club, there will be big boys, hired for security!.
In a restaurant, like a family style, upscale, or chain, you should have no problems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you work in a reputable club, there will be big boys, hired for security!.
In a restaurant, like a family style, upscale, or chain, you should have no problems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The good looking girls seem to get tipped a lot more!. If youre working with other people at the bar then it shouldnt be bad at all!. Id be more worried about memorising lists of drinks that people order :PWww@FoodAQ@Com
every job is dangerous!. try other jobs that your parents agree on!. to keep them happy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com