Sober up??!

Question: Sober up!?!?
if i drink lots of water will i sober up any quicker than if i just let the alcohol go through my system!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Absolutely not! Drinking water just mixes in and makes you feel fuller!. It is not a bad idea to drink a big glass of water one for one with a "drink", because it slows you down and keeps you from pounding drinks!. Food does not sober you up either, nor does caffine!. The only thing that sobers you up is time!. Depending on your weight, your metbolism, and your gender!. Men tend to sober up faster and have the ability to hold more alcohol!. Not fair, but just a fact of life for us girls!Www@FoodAQ@Com

there is no way to sober up quicker other than not drinking more booze!. time and your personal ability to metabolize alcohol are the only things that will make you sober up quicker!. if you drink coffee while drunk then you will just be drunk and awake, chug a bunch of water and you will be drunk and have to piss, go to bed and you will be drunk and asleep, etc!. until your body processes all the alcohol in your systemWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah like the other people said, drinking water in between drinks really helps with the next morning, and also keeps your stomach a little more subdued and slows you down a bit!.

But it doesn't really limit the effects, it just might force you to take longer breaks between drinks which means the alcohol won't accumulate quite as quickly!.

As for chugging water after drinking, no, that won't help!. Nor will showers nor coffee!. It all comes down to time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Drinking water when you drink alcohol prevents dehydration and thus helps decrease hangovers!. If your having a couple of drinks tonight drink a full bottle of water before you hit the sack and once you wake up in the morning - that will decrease your thirst factor and hangover symptoms!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No!. Everyone only has certain amount of enzyme in their system to break down alcohol!. But drinking water will help from dehydration!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

youll pukeWww@FoodAQ@Com

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