Have you ever drank alcohol and had perfect clarity of thought?!

Question: Have you ever drank alcohol and had perfect clarity of thought!?
Some friends and I went out to a local bar and grill and ordered a few rounds of beer!. I'm no drinker because I can't handle alcohol very well!. So last night we had wings, salad, bread sticks, and an assortment of goodies!. To drink we had a pitcher of Bud!. Might as well have been a keg because the pitcher was huge!. Long story even longer ( ^ _ ^ ) I drank two glasses of bud and for a lack of a better word, I was completey obiterated!.

The strange thing about it was that I had complete clarity of thought!. I started thinking about the earth and the fact that it's round and gravity keeps us all from floating into space!. That's pretty profound to a drunk person! ( ^ _ ^ ) At one point I wondered if I had turned off the iron and the stove in my apartment!? ( o _ 0 ) Yeah!. That's the reason why I don't like to drink!. I don't think my poor brain can handle it! ( ^ _ ^ )Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes - which is why I get tanked before every presidential election!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Unless you drink when you're tired, you won't have to feel that slothy drunkenness!. I usually like to start drinking about 5-7 and not drink past 9!. I find that I feel more alert and stimulated!. (:

Moderation is key!Www@FoodAQ@Com

when i get waisted i always wonder: if i don't remember something happing then next day, how could it have happened, but cell phone cameras can prove me wrong as far as that goes ;-) but ya I've had epiphany's when i was not so sober!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sounds more like you were smoking pot or taking taking drugs !. I've never had the clarity of thought you describe from alcohol !.!.!. main thing is the lowering of inhibitionsWww@FoodAQ@Com

No, I just imagined that I did!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeh it happensWww@FoodAQ@Com

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