Does anyone know any cute poems...?!

Question: Does anyone know any cute poems!.!.!.!?
like if vodka was water and i was a duck i'd swim to the bottom and never come up but vodkas not water and i;m not a duck so slide me the bottle and shut the flip up!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My favorite (and first) drinking toast!

Here's to the woman with one red shoe,
She loves her men and her money too!.
She lost her cherry, but that's no sin,
She's still got the box that her cherry came in!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ahhh Toasts

1) If tequila was a river and I was a duck
I'd dive to the bottom & never come up
But tequila's not a river & I'm not a duck
so I'll drink this tequila 'til I'm fu¢ked up

2) To honor
to getting honor
to staying honor
but if you can't come in her
come honor

3) Here's to you, here's to me
best of friends we'll always be
If something should come between you and me
I say fu¢k you then, here's to me!.

4) Here's to not sweating the petty stuff
Here's to not petting the sweaty stuff

5) One Tequila
Two Tequila
Three Tequila
Five Tequila
Six Tequila
Seven Tequila

An Irish Toast!.!.!.

May those who love us, love us
And for those who do not love us,
May God turn their hearts!.
And if he cannot turn their hearts,
Let him turn their ankes,
So that we may know them buy their limp!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here's to you and here's to me!. Hope we never disagree!. But if we do, to hell with you!.!.!.!.here's to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Them Hors d'Oeuver
How bout them Hors d'eovers
Ain't they neat!?
Little piece of cheese, little piece of meat!

( misspell on purpose pronounced horse de overs)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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