Do champagne & port "go off" if you keep them unopened for years?!

Question: Do champagne & port "go off" if you keep them unopened for years!?
I know some bottles of wine taste better if they age but some seem to "go off" will champagne & port go off!? once bottles of wine are sold are they meant to be used within a couple of years!? tyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Both can be left to age!. Port more so due to its fortification from sugars and higher alcohol content!. Whether either will go off will depend on whether the seals of the bottles have not leaked or allowed air to seep into the bottles contaminating the contents!. The other key factor is the temperature in which they are kept!. It cannot change dramatically in either direction and the room should be kept cool, but not cold!.

Most good wines as a general rule have a period where they will be at their peak usually between 8 and 12years!. The bigger the bottle the longer it will last!. For example a magnum will age slower than a standard 750ml wine bottle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most cheep wines are meant to be drank in the first few years, but even new worlders like Cali and Aussie wine makers intend on their wines to be aged for 10+ years!.
Champagne and Vintage Port are definitely made to be aged, esp in the $50 and up price brackets (and for sure if it is a Vintage bottling)!. Vintage Ports can last many many decades, while I would say most Champagnes are 10-20 years!.
For wines to drink NOW try a Cava, Spain's sparkling wine, or a Ruby Port!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not to sure about champagne but port you can keep for years and years!.!.!.darker wines tend to keep better then the litter wines!. My parents have wine from when I was born and they still have not opened it!.!.!.ha ha ha!. Buy some now and keep for a great occasion!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No they both mature in the bottle!.You can drink port 15 to 20 years after bottled so long as it is kept in the right conditions same with champagneWww@FoodAQ@Com

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