Am i addicted.?!

Question: Am i addicted!.!?
i am 19 years old and i am always craving to have a beer!.!. right now i fantazise an ice cold beer next to me!.!.!.!. i started drinking about 2-3 years ago with my buddies!.!. but now whenever i go with my family, cousins, uncles, sisters, they all know i drink and offer me something to drink when im around!.!. i used to drink regularly on the weekends but i stopped 2-3 months ago!.!. last time i had a beer was about 2 weeks ago!. and before that just a beer here and there!. but i want a beer soo bad!. i could ask people to get me some but i dont want to seem as if im desperate!.!. i have thought about putting up an ice chest in my room and having beer there constantly and drink whenever i want!.!. i am going to do that!.!. so do you think i am addicted to beer!.!?!? your oppinion!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

You are not drinking enough for a physical addiction but you clearly have an emotional one which is often the first stage!. Try to change your patterns/habits from drinking a beer "just because I can" to drinking a beer because it fits with the social surroundings!.

By the way I think it is very unlikely that people develop alcohol addiction using beer!. The %ABV is too low so the amount you would have to drink is huge and probably beyond most peoples capability!. Vodka would be a different issue!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When you don't feel normal when you don't have it, you're an addict!. Simple as that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you feel like you need something ALL THE TIME, then yes, that is an addiction!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just chill ur not addicted u just like beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

I dont think your addicted maybe you just like the taste of beer!. like me!. I drink maybe 2 or 3!. If your not getting sloshed all the time its ok!. and im not saying getting sloshed is bad man just not all the time but im 19 to and i love beer so **** it when it comes down to it its just a drink n 3 dont get me drunk so i can say its for the taste but your good man just dont start drinking on your job or school days or like seeing your grandma and youl be fine now when you crave liquer all the time and have to drink every day then your an alcoholic you havent drank in two weeks man your far from it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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