How bad can can a keg of beer be after 3 weeks?!

Question: How bad can can a keg of beer be after 3 weeks!?
my dumb roommate has had a keg of Yuengling beer in the basement for at least 3 weeks!.!.!. not keeping it cold or anything!.
Maybe once every few days putting a small bag of ice on the top!.
How bad is that beer right now!? It smells horrible and I don't think it would taste good at all (I don't really like beer), but he constantly says that he is still enjoying the beer!. Is that possible!!?
also can he get sick from it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Keg beer cannot be skunked!.!.!. that's a result of light damage!.
Warm to cold to warm to cold is also (generally speaking) a myth - it's extremes you have to worry about!.
In your case, the beer is most definitely flat, if he is using a standard picnic pump tapper - beer begins to lose carbonation from the time it is tapped with this device and will be completely flat within about 24 hours!.
It will not make him sick, but it will taste like garbage!. No harmful bacteria can live in beer as long as it is properly sealed!.
What you will notice if you taste the beer is a flavor/aroma of wet cardboard - this is a sign of oxidation!. The beer is also most likely broken down quite a bit by now - quite possibly with sediment/floaties appearing in the beer!.
My advice is dump it and teach your roommate how to respect beer!


It also can't get mold in it!.!.!. unless the entire contents of the keg was poured into a big open-air tub and left for days!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you might not get sick from it but it deff has to be skunked beer!.!.!.!. beer going from hot to cold to hot and cold again repeatidly is not good and makes it go badWww@FoodAQ@Com

it's going to be really really bad!. if it was untapped especially, it might have mold in it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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