How do you get alcohol poisining?!

Question: How do you get alcohol poisining!?
tell me all the ways alcohol can hurt you!. i was wondering because i dont drink but my 21 bday is really soon so yeahh!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your liver can only process a limited amount of alcohol and it does it at a fairly set rate!. If you drink more than your liver can handle the alcohol will build up in your bloodstream and slowly circle your circulatory system, affecting your brain!. A little of this gets you drunk, a lot starts to do things that have very serious effects!.

Vomiting and blacking out serious danger signs!. Your body is shutting down and trying to get rid of the toxin in your stomach!. You can then have automatic body functions start to fail: heart rate, breathing, body temperature, blood sugar!. Then seizures, then death!.

So, a little alcohol gets you buzzed, then drunk!. The problem is that people continue past this into sever impairment and dangerous levels of alcohol in their system!. Moderation: reducing intake once you're drunk and stopping are key!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can either drink too much to fast!. Like doing a bunch of shots or multiple beer bongs!. Basically avoid doing shots, they have all the alcohol of a mixed drink or beer but are consumed in seconds!.

Or drink steadily and don't stop when you are very drunk like you should!. Your body can only process one drink an hour so anything more starts to build up!. Eventually it can become dangerous!. The best way to avoid it is to keep track of your drinks and learn your limits so you can stop drinking when you are getting too drunk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My friend isn't an alcohol drinker but went to a party one night and got wiped out!. She ended up hospital with alcohol poisoning and was sick for a week!. Apparently her kidneys couldn't absorb such a large and sudden quantity of alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You get alcohol poisoning by drinking way pass your limit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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