What's the best hangover cure beyond vowing never to do it again?!

Question: What's the best hangover cure beyond vowing never to do it again!?
I've heard the tomato juice one and the vitamin B one too and the drink lots of water one!. Any other ideas for when your really depleted!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sleep!. However, in my many years of drinking, I have found that if I take a couple of aspirin (coated type) before I go to bed, I will not have a hangover!. Try it you'll like it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vowing never to do it again neither works nor is it ever true!.

And I would avoid the aspirin before bed idea!. That's usually immediately after you drink, and it could cause problems if it doesn't mix well with the alcohol!. In fact, depending on how much you drank it could go as far as killing you!. That is a worst-case scenario and probably wouldn't go that far, but it could!.

As a general rule I have heard that taking one drink of whatever you were drinking the day before works; never tried it myself though!.

Alcohol is basically a poison, and the hangover is your reaction to it!. You've got to get it out of your system for it to quit hurting; so water, which is a natural cell-cleanser, works best!. Alcohol also dehydrates you, so it also helps there as well!. Drink enough to get to using the bathroom often; that is the cell waste (alcohol poison among those wastes) leaving the body!.

Avoid coffee!. The liver usually needs about an hour to get rid of each 12 oz!. beer, 5 oz!. glass of wine, or 2 oz!. shot of hard liquor!. This means that depending on how much you drank, you may still have alcohol in your bloodstream if the liver hasn't worked its way through all of it!. Coffee speeds up the bloodstream and that will only deliver alcohol to the cellls faster and make the hangover last longer!. One would assume drinking one drink of whatever you drank the night before would do the same thing, which is why I never tried it!. I personally think the idea that it helps is one of those urban myths!.

Basically lots of water and lots of sleep works best!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The best cure is prevention!.
The best way to prevent a hangover, besides not drinking, is to take antihistimines before you start drinking!. Take an H1 blocker and an H2 blocker!. This will help offset the clogged, stuffy sinuses that exacerbate your pounding head, and alleviate that sour feeling in your stomach that makes you want to puke!. You'll wake up in the morning feeling OK, but not great!. You'll know you were out drinking, but you'll be able to function in a relatively normal manner!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

For the most part you have to puke at least once, second, drink a lot of water, it help your liver clean your body faster, eat eggs,(along with your breakfast) they say there's something in eggs that help the liver, last get some sleep!. If you won't get grossed out, everyone in the world says to drink a beer in the morning to get rid of a hang over, I've never done it myself(I hate beer) but I know a lot of people that swear by it!. Hope you feel better!Www@FoodAQ@Com

ok this is what i do sorry to add the gross details but u asked lol
when i wake up i eat a banana and some milk and go throw up it makes the throw up taste good (you know it just doesnt have any acid burn or disgusting taste) then i eat another banana and some more milk throw up again!. then drink some gatorade outside (fresh air helps you feel much much better)!. then i feel great :) lol it sounds like alot but it only takes about 20 min and ur hangover is completely goneWww@FoodAQ@Com

Ok, I got this one from a Mexican friend and I swear by it now!. Just eat guacamolewith fresh chopped tomato, it seems that the combination of the advocado and the tomato it's what your body needs during a hangover!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try to do this BEFORE you pass out!.!.!. so you don't wake up with a monster headache!.!.!.

LOTS of water
2 or 3 Advil

(both BEFORE going to bed)

Have gatorade on hand for the morning! (and maybe 2 more advil if it's THAT bad)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Personally, eating, drinking water, depending on how hungover, throwing up, and SLEEP! Here's an article you can check out though

water usually makes me feel sick when I'm hungover!. I drink propel mainly and sometimes sprite!. Another thing that can help a hangover is running!. Doesnt sound fun, esp if your hangovers bad but it speeds up the process of your body recoveringWww@FoodAQ@Com

- Puking
- Long Sleep
- Lots of Water
- Aspirin
- Gatorade

I agree with Tracymae!.!.!.I have rarely had a hangover by taking 2 Advil (Ibuprofen) and drinking an entire glass of water before bed!. Works like a charm!Www@FoodAQ@Com

drink every day, i have run pubs for 30 years and i have never seen an alcoholic with a hangover, mind you they dont look to good anywayWww@FoodAQ@Com

"bit the dog that bit ya"
drink tha drink that gave you the hangoverWww@FoodAQ@Com

Milk Thistle tablets are a natural liver tonic!. Have a few of those with Vitamin B, lots of water and get some sleep!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


water to rehydrate!.!.!.!.and TIME (best spent sleeping!)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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